Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This past weekend was one of the best that I have had in Jackson. Saturday morning I got up early and headed out the Grand Teton National Park where the roads are only open to cyclists and pedestrians right now. I rode about 30 miles on perfectly paved roads with zero cars...that in itself would have been amazing but add in breathtaking views of the Grand Tetons and it becomes the definition of epic. A great ride on Saturday could only be topped off with one of two things....1) another great ride on Sunday or 2) a great ski day. Since the number of days I have left to ski are numbered and I have all summer to ride I opted to go lift skiing one more time. So Sunday morning we made the 1.5 hour trek to the other side of the mountain to ski the final day at Grand Targhee. As you may remember this is where I skied my first day of the season since they opened a couple weeks before Jackson Hole did and it was my last day of lift skiing this season. I hope to "earn my turns" and do some hiking this spring for a little bit more skiing. We had already heard rumors of the crazy warm temperatures on the other side of the mountain and were stoked to FINALLY be able to shed our heavy winter coats and ski in t-shirts and sweatshirts. Once we arrived we realized the rumors we had heard were true and most of us skied in t-shirts, no long-underwear, light hats, and sunglasses instead of goggles. Needless to say it was AMAZING to finally feel the warm sun on my skin after such a long winter. I do think that this is the most I have ever appreciated Spring and sunshine in my entire life. Don't get me wrong I am in by no means complaining about the cold and snow because I seriously just got done with the most amazing winter of my life. Nothing beats skiing fresh powder almost everyday of the winter....except maybe the warm sunshine after a long record-breaking winter.

On another note, I fly home on Monday and cannot wait to see my family and friends and really get into some warm (and humid) weather. I never thought the day would come when I would crave humid weather but I actually do. My skin is the driest it has ever been in my entire life and is in some desperate need of moisture. This is really odd considering there is MASSIVE amounts of snow evaporating everyday....I know that the snow is evaporating into the sky so one would assume that with all the snow melting it would make the air a little less dry....but nope, it's drier then I have experienced all winter....go figure!

Megan and I about to descend our last Ski Resort run of the season....A wonderful end to a wonderful season
Megan and I at the base of Targhee for the last Apres Ski event of the season.

The Grand.....I want to climb the middle peak this summer!
Goofing off before our final descent

I love that my final fall of the season is while trying to get into position to take a picture....can we say graceful!

Yep! There I am facefirst in the snow...lovely

Still trying to maneuver myself over to Megan

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