Friday, November 16, 2007

settling in....

I am finally starting to settle into a nice routine here in Jackson....I could not have asked for better roommates (except for if Megan moved in) and they have really helped make Jackson start to feel like home.....we carpool to work everyday, go to the gym together and then go hang out at someone's house for the evening or go out. Everyone is so laid back and relaxed and it feels wonderful to be able to completely relax for once. My only stress right now is money and that is a huge change from the past couple of years.

Our new friend Bobby invited us over for a steak dinner....

The roommates and homemade wine....

Hanging out at Chapman and Robbies before going to Whiskey Wednesday...I love that we are 3,000miles from home and we hang out at fellow Atlantans houses....
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Ms. McMahon said...

who is the bearded guy?? and we have GOt to get rid of justin's "Jhirt" Jacket/shirt!

VictoriaGlyn said...

can I photoshop you where the bearded guy is??? the picture would be so cute if it were complete (i.e. you in it)

oh, and the bearded guy is Chapman's old roommate