Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, after 2.5 months of winter I finally got a chance to go snowmobiling. Rachael's parents came to town to visit and scheduled a snowmobiling trip and lucky for us since we work at Jackson Hole Resort Lodging we got to go free....just another one of our many perks. The day started off with a drive down to Alipine, Idaho where we ate breakfast and headed out into the National Forest surrounding the Grey's River. Megan and I got really bored riding in a line on a wide flat path...especially when were behind idiots that kept braking for the smallest thing. So we decided that we would have more fun stopping and letting the group get way ahead and then gunning it to see how fast we could get the snowmobiles to go.........the fastest I was able to get mine up to was right above 80mph. I'm sure they would have gone faster but that was about as fast as I was willing to go and that the terrain would let us go before the road would start to twist and we would have to slow down.
All in all it was a great trip with some great company. Rachael's parents were amazing the whole week they were here and even treated us to some of the best food I've had in Jackson.

What's a trip snowmobiling without some super posed pictures??? I'm the one in the light purple down jacket and black pants on the end.

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